Malmö Champagnevänner ~Det talas om ChampagneCitat:

'Champagner kan bli blöta, dyra eller oväntat lagom." : / / Martin Thörnquist
F R i T T B A / U B B L A T E F T E R F ö L J A N D E C i T A T

Champagne should be cold, dry and, hopefully, free." : / / Christian Pol Roger.
Apropå Sir Winston Churchill. Han gav namn till en Champagne; Cuvée Pol Roger
och har sagt många andra saker om Champagne. Läs & Lär på nedanstående

MrsAnchelon.COM / Rue-du-Sucre
Jyskvin.DK / VinCitater?tag=Champagne
Pinterest.COM / Kavi777 / Champagne-Love
GoodReads.COM / Quotes / tag / Champagne
Wineintro.COM / Champagne / Quotes.html
Pinterest.COM / xxivKarat / Champagne-Quotes
Glassofbubbly.COM / Famous-Champagne-Quotes
ChampagneSabering.COM / Home.php?id=29&aid=102
Dicocitations.COM / Citations-mot-Champagne.php
MA-Cuvee.COM / blog-champagne / Citations-Champagne
Brainyquote.COM / Quotes / Keywords / Champagne.html
Wine.About.COM / od / WhiteWines / a / ChampagneQuotes.htm
Champagneinfo.NL / nl-nl / diversen / Champagnequotes.aspx
Joolbox.SE / index.php?Route=Product / Category&path=59_96
Archive.LovingYou.COM / Scripts / Quotes / Quotes.php?Cat=Champagne
PolRoger.COM / English / Champagne / Cuvee-Sir-Winston-Churchill-Champagne-4.php / sophisticated-living / Champagne-perfect-for-holidays-and-always
Goodreads.COM / Quotes / 490417-Too-Much-of-Anything-is-Bad-But-Too-Much-Champagne

CELEBRiTET~SiDORNA SEDAN 2016: A, B, C, D-F, G-i, J-K, L, M, N-O, P, Q-R, S, T-V, W-Z


  • "Champagne är den perfekta drycken, före, under och efter, dessutom blire det inga smulor i sängen."

  • 'En flaska champagne ersätter en dålig läkare. Två flaskor champagne är som en bra läkare.
    Tre flaskor champagne ~ då behövs ingen läkare…"

    Champagne Quotes Anonymous:

  • "Anything is possible with a Little Lipstick and Champagne."

  • "A party without Champagne is just a Meeting"

  • 'Champagne is Always the Answer."

  • 'Champagne is Like Duct tape. It fixes Everything."

  • 'Gluten free, Dairy free, Fat free, I Love this Champagne Diet."

  • 'I am NOT having a glass of Champagne, I am having six, it is calleda Tasting and it is Classy."

  • 'If Life brings You troubles, drink some Champagne, then Your problems will just Become Bubbles… ”

  • 'If You have to ask if it's too early to Drink champagne, You're an Amateur and we can not be Friends."

  • 'I may not speak French, but I speak Champagne fluently."

  • 'Oh no! I bought Champagne instead of Milk... again."

  • 'There is only one thing better than a Glass of Champagne. A Bottle."

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