Foto: Johanna Deák Martin; Welcome to Martin

When 1974–2074*
Uptodate 18.02.2025

SVENSKA | English | Deutsch | italiano

MTMEDiA My virtual Company: MT MEDiA
Aesthetic Beautiful Things. Community important Things like
Alcoholics, Books, Films, Music and Friends.

Communicator Write electronic Mails to MT and the People around me.
Art Pictures MT have achievedCopy Texts i have written. Layout Layouts which MT have done N&#138 Swedish, English, German and

italian Web Tips, with Friend's Companies; New Era Art and
LightWorks, Friend's Home Pages; Anna Nilsson's
and Henrik Jönsson's one which inspired this.

MT wants to live with You.
Please, read the AD First!

Diary in English

Summer of 1990–92

Diary in Swedish

Winters [34 K]
[inverno d´inferno e inverno d´interno]
december [80 K] Adweb Calender [31 F]
January [75 K] February [45 K] w. 8 and 9.

Autumn [35 K] [Herbst von Klarheit]

Summer [36 K] [Svårmodets sommar]
June [53 K] w. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

July [52 K] w. 27, 28, 29, 30
August [69 K] w. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

Spring [31 K] [Spring of Glory]
mars [50 K] april [51 K] May [52 K]

F=Frames K=Kilobyte w=week


Page that has magical Power, Page for
exaggerated Admire, Fixation and so on.

© Martin Thörnquist ORiGiNAL PHOTOGRAPHY 1997

© 97–02–22 Martin Thörnquist,
Fetish photographed in the Scanian Winter.

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19742074] *Martin