When 1974–2074*
Uptodate 18.02.2025
SVENSKA | English | Deutsch | italiano
My virtual Company: MT MEDiA
Beautiful Things.
important Things like
Alcoholics, Books, Films, Music and Friends.
Write electronic Mails to MT and the People around me.
Pictures MT have achieved
Texts i have written.
Layouts which MT have done
Swedish, English, German and
italian Web Tips, with Friend's Companies; New Era Art and
LightWorks, Friend's Home Pages; Anna Nilsson's SUGAR CAKE
and Henrik Jönsson's one which inspired this.MT wants to live with You.
Please, read the AD First!
Winters [34 K]
[inverno d´inferno e inverno d´interno]
december [80 K] Adweb Calender [31 F]
January [75 K] February [45 K] w. 8 and 9.Autumn [35 K] [Herbst von Klarheit]
Summer [36 K] [Svårmodets sommar]
June [53 K] w. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
July [52 K] w. 27, 28, 29, 30
August [69 K] w. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35Spring [31 K] [Spring of Glory]
mars [50 K] april [51 K] May [52 K]
F=Frames K=Kilobyte w=week
Page that has magical Power, Page for
exaggerated Admire, Fixation and so on.
© 97–02–22 Martin Thörnquist,
Fetish photographed in the Scanian Winter.
NAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [1974–2074] *Martin