Foto: Johanna Deák

What: Martin; Advertisement

Where: MTmedia.SE < Martin < ad.html

When: 1992-* Uptodate; 18.02.2025

How: in English HUR: PÅ SVENSKA

MT wants to Be or Live with You*

'There has never been anything between Me and My one night stands..."

Those who claim that websites = ads for people looking for likes get here a drop of water in his tap...
With this page, MT Media consists of <1 per Myriadth marriage advertisement documents.

*MiNiNUMS: Female girl / Girlish female FOR boyish man.

*AVOiDiNG / HARDLY EVER: Collectivists, Obese, Overweight,
Pierced, Smokers, Snuffers, Swearing, Tattoeds, Unimportant.

*DOUBTFUL / RATHER NOT: Extreme / Totally Vegans / Vegeterians, Ultra feminists, Pet owners, TV–dogs.

*iNTERESTiNG / NiCE / SEXY; Long-haired, Secular, Spectacle-adorned, Spectacular.

*RECOMMENDATiONS: Half-Swedish or from at least two countries [mixed origin], "wearing" A
G Cups,
with an i within Her name, Born between app. 1955 / 1961 and
1982 / 1999 [MT's earlier preferences].

*ABiLiTiES / CHARACTERiSTiCS: Agile, Artistic, Different, Nice, Open, Ordinary
extreme, Philosophical, Special, Spontaneous, Thoughtful, Unashamed and Unshy.

*MAXiMUM MEETiNG HiT: Chaos perfectionist / Early–in–the–mornings and Late–in–the–evenings
Living person.

MT: Short History; Already found, and Lost [ZiTA, 1998 + 2004] Half Way Dancinq Queen TiNA [2004–2005]
Exactly as => seen on Forbidden Cinema Spegeln UB [2005–2017] For Shortening Story telling;

Martin; FETiSH 8: Girl Flirtes /
Martin; FETiSH 8: Girl Friends [Only in Swedish but not Only Swedes]

Future Features; You + Me, MT ?

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19742074] *Martin