Martin Thörnquist Hacker Academican
Uptodate; 17.12.2024

Malmö Hacker Academy MHASVENSKA | Deutsch | italiano

WHAT: Private initiative / A Malmö Community Project /
Education Forum for the Entertainment industry

WHO: 25 Mad Creative People; Computer Nerds,
Programmers, Musicians and more;
MHA 1997
A L i A S | W A V E F R O N T
Johan Karlberg Link [**] Martin Kjellberg Link [*****]
Martin Thörnquist,
Link [*****] Link
Marie Adler Link [*****][***]
Daniel Browne
Link [***] Link [***]
Henrik Nord
Link [*] Richard Sahlin [****] Link
S O F T i M A G E | 3 D
Magnus Miselli Link [****] Magnus [*****] Marie Adler [****] Daniel Thureson Link
[***] Fredrik Palm Link [**] John Schütte, Link [*****] Link
Link [*****] Jonas Karlsson Link FXdev.COM [*****] Mattias Svensson Link [**] Link Rodrigo Perez Link [***]
Tomi Biloglav, [*****]
Link [**]
S O U N D / F X
ian Walsh
LoonyTech Joakim Täck Dundret.SE [****]
Passagen [**]

MHA 1998
Anna Nilsson / anna.nilsson

WHEN: 1 Year; 40 Weeks 1996-99: MT; August'97-June'98.
Last Day of Application;15 May'98


WHERE: St. Nyg. 54, SE-211 37 Malmö, Sweden

THEN: iNTERNET, Modeling, Animation Jobs

MT MEDiA is one of MT's Works at The Hacker Academy.


*Lecturers / Studying Visits

Alain Bonneau, Softimage and Alias|wavefront, Animation Level 3
Peter Nyrell Alias|wavefront Power Animator–intro på Onyx
Johan Eklund, Flint 5.0.1, Composting
Kalle Shew, Scand Vision® Media House
Hampus Hedberg–Hankell, Alias StudioPaint
Nicolai Wadström, VRML, Programming
Hans Hansson, Photographer
Digital illusions, Göteborg
Mats Alexandersson, Project Leader
Dan Santos, Alias|wavefront
Stefan Stenudd, Drama
Trick FX, Stockholm
Made in Video, Lund
V i O M A, Malmö

*Literature*Machines*Projects*Program*Representation*Sponsors*Practice ^

*Missions / Representation

iT–Days i Brussels 4–5 mars '98
iT / / EXPO Malmö Convention Center 21–23 april '98
Open / larm off, close / larm MHA every Day,
which means that i'm here first, at 09 and leaves at 21

*Lecturers*Machines*Projects*Program*Sponsors*Practice ^


1.Alias Overview 466 p.
2.NURBS Modeling in Alias 694 p.
3.Animating in Alias 311 p.
4.Rendering in Alias 401 p.
5.Games Data Transfer in Alias 60 p.
6.Alias Complementary Applications 623 p.
7.Learning Alias V8 669 p.
8.Global index 257 p.
9.installation and Release Notes 116 p.
10.Polygonal Modelling in Alias 106 p.
11.Composer User´s Guide
12.3Design 414 p.

*Lecturers*Missions*Projects*Program*Sponsors*Practice ^

*Machines / Hardware

Silicon Graphics; 1 Onyx / 15 indy
Apple; 4 Macintosh PowerPC 9500 / 132
iBM:4 PC 730–750

*Lecturers*Missions*Literature*Projects*Sponsors*Practice ^

*Program / Software

Alias|wavefront PowerAnimator 8.2–5, Composer 4.0.3–4.5 Maya 1.0
Adobe illustrator 6.0 / PageMill 2.0, PhotoShop 4.0
Fetch 3.0.2, Netscape Communicator and more

*Lecturers*Missions*Literature*Machines*Sponsors*Practice ^


Project Leading;
Visiting Cards for MHA–97 / 98.
5 Minutes PR Video for MHA '97 [Shown at iT–Days in Brussels]
The Hacker Academy iNTERNET Pages including Application
for MHA '97, [Graphic Design in Cooperation with John Schütte]
Further Development of MT MEDiA.

Polygonal Fish Model
[Animation to a Game in Cooperation with
Richard Sahlin]
Richard wrote in his Net Diary Feb '98: "Ask and You shall receive.
After a good Knocking about Martin Thörnquist has delivered a Fish.
i had to sit down with him and explain a little Bit how he should draw the Model in order to avoid Polygon Problems. As most Alias or Softimage Modellers he derived the Fish shape by combining Objects and thus creating a lot of intersecting Polygons. The Saturn, sadly lacking a Z–Buffer, can not handle Polygons that intersect [go into each other]. Anyway, after a Bit of
Explaining he understood how to do it and soon delivered a Fish.
He even took it a bit further by animating the Tail of the Fish.
This took a bit of fiddling about before it worked because each
Frame has to be stored as a separate Object within the Model.

At Work:
Folder, CD–ROM, T–Shirt, Show Real
3D iNTERNET Graphical Suggestions to The Hultsfred Music Festival.

*Lecturers*Missions*Literature*Machines*Program*Practice ^


Apple, iBM, Foundation for Knowledge and Competence Development,
Malmö Community, SiliconGraphics,
ViOMA Digital Media

Apple iBM KKs Gripen SGi V i O M A

*Lecturers*Missions*Literature*Machines*Projects*Program*Sponsors ^


Learning Alias V8:
Of totally 34 Practising Moments
i've gone through the following; 1.Objects 2.Lamp_Room_Table 4.Curves_Surfaces 5–6.Camera_Model 7.MakingMouse 8.ShowerGel_Design 9.CDPlayer_Surface 10–11.Fruit_1–2 12.Candle 13.Fruit_4 14.Fruit_Cam 15.Sailboat_Scene 16.KeyframeMotionPath_Animation 17.Bonhomme_Animation 18.GlassWalker_MetamorphosisAnimation 19.Expressions 20.inverse_Kinematics 21.Constraints 22.HamburgerFries 23.ArmTorso 24.ShapeShifter 25.Science_Particles 26.Pointing_Man 27.PolygonDwarf_Modeling 28.PackageDesign_Modeling

*Lecturers*Missions*Literature*Machines*Projects*Program*Sponsors ^

For further information about Martin
Thörnquist's Work at Malmö Hacker Academy.
Please see the Portfolio Art Copy Layout

General information | Education | Work Experience
Computer knowledge | interests | References

All Above on One Page | Short Life Story | Shorter CV
Course in English |
Malmo Hacker Academy

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19742074] *Martin Thornquist