NYTT NewsNeuesnuovo NouvellesUusi 2008

What: News on MT Media / News from MT

What for: To develop new Pages and Ways
to get in touch and cooperate with MT

Where: MTmedia.SE < 0.intro? < News? < News2008.html

When: Uptodate; 23.02.2025










Years; 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,
2020, 2021.

Who: The New Martin Thornquist

News from MEDiA December 2008

News from MEDiA November 2008

News from MEDiA October 2008

21–22:th of October with Dimintell AB at easyFairs Elmässa i Stockholm

News from MEDiA September 2008


MT Drink ! Malmo ChampgneVänner Saturday 6:th of September 2008.

News from MEDiA August 2008

Malmö Festival

News from MEDiA July 2008

West End Girls 23:rd of july 2008; The CD Single 'What have i done to deserve this?' will be released [according to CDon.com].

MT Summer; Successful Arrangement; Very important Persons' Summer Party Turning Torso: Torso Twisted: Twisted Summer Martin Thornquist, official crowd phograher, see image view [Saturday 5:th of July 2008]


News from MEDiA June 2008

West End Girls 17:th of june 2008 at 2:49pm; Martin Thornquist and Emmeli Erkendal are now friends at Facebook.

16:th of june 2008; The CD Single 'What have i done to deserve this?" is available to download.

11:th of june 2008: at 2:08pm; Martin Thornquist and Rosanna Jirebeck are now friends at Facebook.

3:rd of june 2008: Rosanna Jirebeck has left West End Girls. Rosanna will be replaced by Emmeli Erkendal who is Isabelle Erkendal's cousin.

Schools out for summer.

News from MEDiA May anno 2008

Martin Thörnquist will be 34 years old. See Wish List here. Be inveted here.

News from MEDiA April anno 2008

26:th of april Flight Roma Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino airoporto [RM] Københavns Lufthavne Kastrup [CPH] 19:th of april Flight Københavns Lufthavne Kastrup [CPH] – Roma Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino airoporto [RM]

5:th of april Vernissage Patricicia FiorentGalleristen / Gallery Rönnquist & Rönnquist [Exhibit opened -27:th of april 2008].

News from MEDiA March anno 2008

Spring in the air?

News from MEDiA February anno 2008

16:th of February Gratulations for Mother Britt on her Birth Day*

14:th of February © Martini Thörnquist Valentino ©

1:th of February First Night BORTBYTiNGEN / SELMA LAGERLöF / MoomsTeatern

News from MEDiA January anno 2008

15:th of January 15:00 Min HSB BostadsRättsFörenings medlemsårsstämma i Folkets hus / Malmö konferenscenter / Nobeltorget

SVENSKAGOTT NYTT 2008 EnglishHappy New 2008 DeutschEines glückliches Neujahr 2008 italianoFelice Anno Nuovo 2008 POLSKiSZCZESLiWEGO NOWEGO ROKU 2008 FrançaisBon Anné 2008 €UROHapy Nev Year 2008 danskGodt Nytår 2008 MAGYARBoldog Ujevet 2008 norskGodt Nytt År 2008 RUSSKiJS Novim Godom 2008 MAGYARHyvää Uutta Vuotta 2008 ESPAÑOL¡Próspero año nuevo 2008! GREEKChronia Pola 2008

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19742074] *Martin Thornquist