NYTT – News – Neues – nuovo – Nouvelles –Uusi 2006
What: News on MT Media / News from MT
What for: To develop new Pages and Ways
to get in touch and cooperate with MTWhere: MTmedia.SE < 0.intro? < News? < News2006.html
When: Uptodate; 23.02.2025
Years; 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,
2020, 2021.Who: The New Martin Thornquist
News from
November 2006
To show that You are a Communicative human being and not a machine or a robot and theerby avoid search engines machine elecetronical Spam the @-signs are seperated from the addreses. Also 4.257 MailTo: have been removed from 881 of 2.299 MT Media-pags [25 november 2006]
Father was going through heart surgery 9:th of November ant it managed...
News from
October 2006
Patricia Fiorent and Robert Fiorent flies to New York Friday 20:th of October.
News from
September 2006
SAVE The Radio Station Number One in Sweden 'Vår Grundade Mening"
News from
August 2006
News from
July 2006
S U M M E R - V A C A T i O N
News from
June anno 2006
Wednesday 8:th of June – Sunday 11:th of June 2006 Martin and Ulrika in öREBRO. Weekend 3:th and 4:th of June 2006 Martin and Ulrika in ViLLANDS VÅNGA RYD.
News from
May anno 2006
Birthday of Martin Thornquist 32 Tuesday 16:th of May 2006 [Wish Lists] Days of Poetry Thursday 18:th of May–Sunday 21:th of May 2006 Carnival of Lund Friday 19:th of May–Sunday 21:th of May 2006 [Arja Saijonmaa]
Wednesday 24:th of May–Sunday 28:th of May 2006 Martin and Ulrika in öREBRO.
Friday 26:th of May–Sunday 28:th of May 2006 Patricia and Anna in London.
News from
April anno 2006
Martin Thornquist goes by train with his Ulrika to öREBRO and stays duing Eastern. Patricia Fiorent flies with girl friends to both Los Angeles and New York april 5th and stays over Eastern.
News from
March anno 2006
Releaseparty LiA Spaces in Between WonderlandStudio / Fast Future Records Bodoni / The Watt Bergsgatan 20, Malmo Thursday 9:th of March 2006 at 20:00 ! See and hear more MTmedia.SE < LiA and MTmedia.SE < 4.Community < City < Malmo < Concert
News from
February anno 2006
Alice in Wonderland – First Night / Southern Theater MoomsTheater [17.2.2006]
Gratulations to Mother Britt on her Birth Day ! [16.2.2006]
D a y o f all Hearts ~ [14.2.2006]
My Condolence to Charlotte von E:s too early Death. [25.1.2006]
Memories and Thoughts continous to former Associate Collegue, Jurist Bengt Söderholm * 22.2.1950 – 20.12.2005. He is honoured at and by MT Media with the dedicated they of Him inspired 40 Quarter Blocks Pages.
News from
January anno 2006
Martin Verse SPEGELN Mirror Cinema: Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten Participation in Magazine [19.1.2006] pages C1 + C7. KvällsPosten / Expressen Channel Digital Local Television [19.1.2006]18:30 / 19:30 [20.1.2006] 06:00 KvällsPosten Participation in Magazine [20.1.2006] page 24. Martin Thank You all for Support via Electronic Mail Post / personal ring up / in Real Life.
GOTT NYTT 2006 Happy New 2006 Eines glückliches Neujahr 2006 Felice Anno Nuovo 2006 SZCZESLiWEGO NOWEGO ROKU 2006 Bon Anné 2006 Godt Nytår 2006 Boldog Ujevet 2006 Godt Nytt År 2006 S Novim Godom 2006 Hyvää Uutta Vuotta 2006 ¡Próspero año nuevo 2006! Chronia Pola 2006
NAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [1974–2074] *Martin Thornquist