NYTT NewsNeuesnuovo NouvellesUusi 2005

What: News on MT Media / News from MT

What for: To develop new Pages and Ways
to get in touch and cooperate with MT

Where: MTmedia.SE < 0.intro? < News? < News2005.html

When: Uptodate; 23.02.2025










Years; 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,
2020, 2021.

Who: The New Martin Thornquist

GOTT NYTT 2006 Happy New 2006 Eines glückliches Neujahr 2006 Felice Anno Nuovo 2006 SZCZESLiWEGO NOWEGO ROKU 2006 Bon Anné 2006 Godt Nytår 2006 Boldog Ujevet 2006 Godt Nytt År 2006 S Novim Godom 2006 Hyvää Uutta Vuotta 2006 ¡Próspero año nuevo 2006! Chronia Pola 2006

News from MEDiA December 2005

Martin Thörnquists Wish List Winter Christmas / New Years Eve [2005 / 2006]. Please send Your WishList for publishing / fulfilment. Martin's Traditional Sunday GLöGG / Mulled Wine / Hot Wine Punch [4. + 11. + 18. + 25 of december 2005] Martin's AdWeb Calender, Malmö Hacker Academy Cooperation. [1997–]

News from MEDiA November 2005

Martin Thörnquist overnight at Drottningholm by Julia Gradin + Lars Lindquist and also present Dimintell at ELECTRiCiTY, PHONE, iLLUMiNATiON / Sollentuna trade fair 16:th–17:th of november 2005

Martin Thörnquist is celebrating my name day with more during 'Martin goes [GOOSE] Martinis Evenings" Thursday 10:th of november 2005 and also Friday 11:th of november 2005

News from MEDiA October 2005

Patricia Fiorent flies to New York October 22th. See a photo from Patricia in United States of America 2003.

News from MEDiA September 2005

Patricia Fiorent + Anna Karena in London 30.9.20052.10.2005 See a photo from Patricia in London earlier this year.See more of Patricia and her girl friend Anna Karena in The Oresound Region. Sister of Night Congratulated on Birth Day 28.9.2005

News from MEDiA August 2005

Patricia Fiorent flies to New York City once again.

News from MEDiA July 2005

Patricia Fiorent flies to Paris and Saint Tropez / St Tropez il de Porquelles / il de Porquerolles.

Packing Tips [New Page July 15, 2005]

Martin on vacation in Stockholm; Hallstavik / Bromma.

Brother Björn and 'Sister" Sunda on Honey Moon in Turkey.

News from MEDiA June 2005

Brother Björn and 'Sister" Sunda are getting married. Solveig-Karin and Björn´s Wedding 25.6.2005

Martin with parents on vacation in Norway; Voss.

Patricia Fiorent flies to London and New York City again.

News from MEDiA May 2005

Martin celebrates his 31:th Birthday all Month Long MT 31 invitation* / Martin Thanks all Guests*

News from MEDiA March 2005

Martin begins at new city-office in Malmö Town Nordjobb.net

News from MEDiA January 2005

Patricia Fiorent buys single ticket to New York City; but she came back...

MT 2 Martin Thörnquist Dream Team*

MT 4 Community! DRiNK ! Martini!

MT 4 Community! DRiNK Links!

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19742074] *Martin Thornquist