What: Martin in short
Who: Full Name; Lars Martin Ingemar Thörnquist
Where: MTmedia.SE < 2.Martin Thornquist < English < page2short.html
When: Born; 16:th of May 1974– Uptodate; 04.03.2025
Read what i have read – MT Community Book!*Work
Dimintell AB
MAXiMA Finance & insurance Limited
SOS Spirit of Sweden, artist group
PatriciaFiorent.com, erotic art*Travel
Sweden [Dalarna, Stockholm, Uppsala, Orebro]
Denmark [Copenhagen]
Norway [Voss, Oslo]
Poland [Warsaw, Cracow]2003–2004
Art, Culture Media, People, Space, Time, Web ON MY OWN
Read more what i have read – MT Community Book!*Work
Web designer / info Master PatriciaFiorent.com
Starting of the Company MT Media.*Travel
Denmark [Copenhagen and more]
Germany [Hamburg and more]
Poland [Warsaw, Cracow]
Art, Culture Media, People, Space, Time, Web ON MY OWN
Read more what i have read – MT Community Book!*Work
Web designer / info Master anslut.se
Networking Distributeur Nature's Own*Travel
Denmark [Copenhagen]Tunisia [Hammameth / Sfax, isle of Jerba,
Sahara Dessert and more], Germany [Hamburg / Berlin]
Brussels / London
Lund University
Media and Communication Science, 41–60 Points
Art Science, Mass image & Art image in our Time, 21–40 Points
Web designer / info Master malmo.se
City Office City of Malmö
Sweden [Stockholm]
Germany [Hamburg / Berlin]
Belgium [BRYSSEL Brüssel Brussel Bruxelles]
England [London] and France [Paris]
Media and Communication Science, 1–40 points [Lund University]
Web Master, The House of Future, City of Malmö
Web Organisation Assistant, Swedish institute, Project Phoenix
Sweden [Stockholm]
Denmark [Skagen]
Modelling and iNTERNET, Malmö Hacker Academy
Alias|wavefront Power Animator 8.2 PageMill 2.0, PhotoShop 4.0,
40 weeks. Multimedia, Malmö Highschool, 5 Points
First Certificate, Cambridge University, Local Syndicate Lund.
Human–Computer–interface, Land Technical High school
image as a Way to Communicate, Form Studies,
Lund Technical High school, 10 Points*Work
Preparation for the Company MT MEDiA.
Attitude investigations, NOKAB Company Partner,
Photographer, Reporter and Web master, the
Environment Program Rikoschett, Malmö*Travel
Germany, Stockholm and Belgium [Brussels]
Web Master East Grevie Folk High School,
Computer and Languages, Course, 1 year
PageMill 2.0, QuarkXPress 3.31,
Photoshop 3.0, illustrator 6.0
German and English, East Grevie Folk High School, Malmö*Work
Attitude investigations, NOKAB Company Partner, Malmö
Computer Graphics, Director 3.0, ArchiCAD 4.55,
Photoshop 3.0, illustrator 5.5 Lund Polytechnic, 7 Points
Art Science Mass image & Art image in our Time,
Lund University, 1–20 Points
Computer Graphic Works Plate to Studio Theatre, Malmö
PageMaker 5.0, Photoshop 3.0*Travel
Skagen and Stockholm
Tele Market Sales Trainee
Video Editing Course, Project Park Lane,
AUTO DESK 3D Studio 4.0, Quay 305,
Communication and Media, Sankt Petri
Secondary Grammar School, Malmö*Practise
Enterprise Advertising and
iLONA idea illustration original, Malmö*Work
Seller, Poly Marketing, Malmö / Lund–area
Tele Market Computer Product information
PRO / 2 Dialog Marketing Agency AB
Care Taker Tenant–owners' Society Andréelund*Travel
Germany and Austria
Linguistics, Practical Philosophy and
Cultural Science, Lund University, 25 p.
High school, Malmö Latin School*Travel
The Early Years
Primary School 1980–90, Malmö*Travel
Hotel Temperance, Malmö Town Building Office,
Flower Boutique, 'Hökeriet Sparhökaren" Shop*Born
16th of May 1974 in Malmö.
First Son to the Postman / informator
and Salesman Jan Thörnquist and
his Wife Britt, born Andersson.General information | Education | Work Experience
Computer knowledge | interests | References
All Above on One Page | Short Life Story | Shorter CV
Course in English | Malmo Hacker Academy
NAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [1974–2074] *Martin Thornquist