Who:Martin Thörnquist
PÅ SVENSKA* in English* Auf Deutsch* in italiano* en Français*
Where: MTmedia.SE < 2.Martin Thornquist < English < page2c.html
When: Uptodate;

Office Administration, Web / Applications,
The Nordic Countries Organisation

Domain Owner MTmedia.SE [2004-]

Advertising / Public Relation Octagon Construction Limited [2001–2004]

Web Manager Patricia Fiorent EROTiC ART [2003-]

Web Manager MAFF / Maxima Finance & insurance Agency Limited [2002–]

Web Manager ANSLUT / 'Connect' Economy & insurance Agency Limited [2001–2002]

Web Manager Magnus Krook iLLUSTRATiONS [2002-]

Web Designer / info master malmo.se, The official website, City of Malmö,
City Office, internal and External Relations [
-30 nov 2000]

Web sites for e.g.
Malmö Hacker Academy [1997–1998]
House of Future, Malmö [1998–1999]
Swedish institute Project Phoenix [1998–1999]
Ingrid Quade OiLPANTiNGS [1998–]
John Schütte ANiMATOR [1997-]

Tele interviews, Attitude Research
NOKAB Nordic Communication Ltd in Malmö,
[Autumn'96, Spring and Autumn 1997]

Computer Graphic Works e.g. Theatre Plate
to the Studio Theatre and information Signboards
to Shops in Malmö, [Spring 1996]

Tele Market Advertising Area Sale in Malmö,
[Summer 1995–Spring 1996]

Tele Market Computer info, PRO / 2
Dialogue Marketing Agency Ltd in Malmö,
[Autumn 1995]

General information
| Education | Work Experience
Computer knowledge | interests | References

All Above on One Page | Short Life Story | Shorter CV
Course in English |
Malmo Hacker Academy

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19742074] *Martin Thornquist