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VEM Who Wer chi Chi KTóRZY hvem KiK kven кто MARTiN THöRNQUiST

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R  o  o  m  i  e  ?   R  o  o  m  y ?

None of Martin's Tunes [Waters] 1:33

'Oh my Goody. What a fabulous Domain."
'Are all these Your Pages?'

{i'm happy Girl, i did mean to tickle You."}

'This Site is brighter than our Apartment.'

{'Let MT know when You're entering a room"
'Yes Girl!'}

'Mmm, Can i get a Drink of Martini?'

{'i was wondering about..."}

'You want some, Mmm?'


'Oh now, look at this Dub.
Do you wanna take a Ride?'

{'i'll have to find out from Misses.
Bankrupt what Time she wants to meet us, for her man ..."}

'What are You Wishings?'

{'if You'll just let MT know as soon as You can... Misses Bankrupt" "Mister Bankrupt..."}


{'i do understand..."}

'Are Your Feelings in Decay?'

://Pink Floyd

S p a c i o u s

MT Spaces [Waters] 5:36

{backwards message:}

'Confirmation; You have just discovered a public Massage.

Please send Your answer to 'New Pink",
Take care of the skinny Charm,
Cold Font..." – Broken By Martin


"Martin, Tina's on the phone..." – Known Voice

What will You amuse

To fill the MT Spaces

Where some used to walk?

How will You fill

The final Places?

How could You complete the Media?

://Pink Floyd

Write, if it is still early in the morning.

See also MT MEDiA
Statistics, Over View and Pictures inspired by MT Media.

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19962024] *Martin Thörnquist