Art Policy in English?
What Differential Trait at The domains of MT Media

Where MTmedia.SE < 0.intro? < Policy < policyenglish.html SVENSKA norsk

When Uptodate; 11.03.2025

How The small print and THE GRANDiOSE
Please see also MT Environment Policy [Only in Swedish]

0.MT introduction?
Dogma MT: MT
does not swear, but MT promise to tell the truths without mediating the message more than the medium itself does. Read more about MT or not MT, Cookies, PUL. MAiL

1.MT & Company
Activity & business will be characterized by an aesthetic appealing socially public community communication. Aboutinterest & will. MAiL

2.MT Curriculum Vitae*
Accordingly PUL 24th of October 1998: Martin Thörnquist
is an artist, journalist and writer. Read more *
*About The Life of MT. MAiL

3.MT Aesthetic ~
Visual impression in front of hearsay. Empathy industry.
oint of view and attitude ~ visual angle; MAiL

4.MT Community!
Obvious similarities with Living persons are introduced with awareness. Everyone is responsible to one's action and acts. Respect will be taken to integrity like; approve policy
politics, religion, sexuality, specific diseases and some other sensitive behaviours. Clearing up will be done above all to protect relative relations. Regard You break still occur. Please write! MAiL

5.MT @ Communicator
Are You on på MT:s mailing list despite that
You not want: Make an inquire about that or
these connections You wish will be taken away.
Communicate @ MT. MAiL

6.MT PORTFOLiO Art¤ Copy© Layout%
MT MEDiA runs quickly to download and is easy
to Look at, through the choosen priority;
A.short texts, B.Longer texts,
C.Medium size image, D.Larger pictures.
For more pictures and Less texts,
please see MT PORTFOLiO ¤
'Scrollerblades" Picture Version.

7.MT # Web
Here is tips to pages outside MT Media presented and
therefore with no responsibility taken for contents
their pages. MT Links rather Local fast-accessible
substancive correct information, sex and friends than
to unknown, non-provokative entertainment, violence,
graphically heavy but empty; far away in both physical
mental sense. Please write if You have found a
MisTaken # Link. MAiL

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19962024] *Martin Thörnquist