Official Universal World Wide Web Time;
The BMT Meridian was inaugurated on October 23rd, 1998, in the presence
of Nicholas Negroponte, founder and director of the media laboratory at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Read more;
Swatch.Com / sv-se / internet-time.html
Time for the world to march to Swatch's
by Vicki Allan
is Biel Mean Time [BMT] - the new attempt to introduce a single time-zone
for all iNTERNET users - destined for the same cultural dustbin as
BMT is the brainchild of Swiss watchmakers Swatch, and cyber-guru Nicolas
Negroponte and it aims to save iNTERNET users from making complex
calculations when arranging virtual meetings with their Web contacts in
far-flung locations.
Key into
the Net or wear a Swatch Beat watch, and you and your contacts will all be
in the same virtual time-zone. Each day contains one thousand [1.000]
beats, each lasting one 1min 26.4 secs. Noon in Biel Time is not only @ 500
in Switzerland, but @ 500 all over the world.
And if BMT
does take off, it would represent a further step in getting the world to
march to the same beat. Until the late 19th century, each town determined
its own local time from solar readings. When the industrial revolution
brought the railways, it seemed ridiculous to have to adjust your watch by
five minutes each time you travelled between towns.
The Prime
Meridian conference of 1884 should have put an end to all that, by
establishing 24 time zones and Greenwich Mean Time, but as ever there was
resistance. The French stuck doggedly to their own time until 1911.
involvement of Nicholas Negroponte, head of the MiT media lab and author
of Being Digital, adds weight to the Swatch BMT project.
"The Net
has both asynchronous and synchronous uses," he says. 'At the Media Lab,
we recently started a Junior Summit in which children from 10 to 15 years
old were asked to participate in the design of the future.
'But the
kids have had a problem. They didn't know how to make appointments.
Someone would say, 'Let's chat at 10pm,' but that would be 10pm in France.
What time is that in Saudi Arabia? BMT would solve that problem."
virtual world is absent of night and day," Negroponte argues. 'iNTERNET
time is not driven by the Sun's position, it is driven by yours - your
location in space and time."
despite our continuing efforts, night and day and the whole of nature
can't be discarded entirely, unless you choose to live in an artificial
BMT can
only ever be complimentary to local time. So will it become popular?
Swatch has
already successfully negotiated for the Swatch Beat in coverage of the the
2000 Olympics, and, in the words of Nicholas Hayek Jr, the son of Swatch's
director, 'The americans sell time, the italians have a good time and the
Swiss make time." Maybe the Swiss will crack it: only time will tell.
Quotable Time Quote:
'How to stop time: kiss. How to travel
in time: read. How to escape time:
music. How to feel time: write. How to
release time: breathe."
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