Foto: Johanna DeákVAD What Was che cosa Ce qui JAKi hvad MiLYEN kva тот кото-рый Martins Sida; Fetish8

VAR Where Wo dove Là où DOKAD hvor HOL kor где MTmedia.SE < Martin < Fetish < Fetish8Fetishes.html

NÄR When Wann quando Quand PODCZAS hvornår AMiKOR når когда 19742074*
UPPDATERAD Uptodate Aktualisiert aggiornato À jour UAKTUALNiONO tidssvarende MODERN oppdatert современный

VEM Who Wer chi Chi KTóRZY hvem KiK kven кто Lars Martin Ingemar Thörnquist

HUR How Wie come Comment JAKiM hvordan HOGYAN korleis какой
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FöR VAD What for Warum perche Pour ce qui DYKTANDO For hvad MiÉRT for / til kva почему
BOTTLES; owner of 1 of the biggest bars in Malmö Town with 500 bottles 400 sorts
Champagne; one of the av
initiators and conservator to Malmö Champagne Friends*
COLOUR-SEPERATED ROOMS; Blue / Green Bathroom, Green bedroom, Yellow kitchen, The Red room
FROSTED GLASS; At least 18 candlesticks
DOG-FOBiA; Father has worked as a postman for 40 years
CATS; Born in Year of The Tiger. Good contact with other cats
LiSTS; Everything possible and nothing not possible
Martini; From Name giving thoung in Lugano to Martini parties and The Martini bar
MATT PORCELAiN; Side plates, cups, vases.
DARK SOCKS; With discreet pattern
PERFUMES; Bulgari, Obsession,
Salvador Dalí
PLASTiC BAGS: Systembolaget with most different types during the years.
PHILIPS; own about 30 Philips´Products from Batteries to Web Camera
Pet Shop Boys: Neil Tennant + Chris Lowe MetroLyrics Wikipedia Wikipedia; owns about 70 CD:s, DVD:s, LP:s, MC:s + SP:s
RADiO; Listen to serious community programs only
SEX; Of interest & practice
SPECTACLES; Change between at least two pairs, but have a lot more in the collection. Martin; FETiSH 8 g; Glasses
UnderBerg; Hundreds of Bottles...
WEB PAGES; Advanced simple + complex ones made easy

HUR How Wie come Comment JAKiM hvordan HOGYAN korleis какой
[A* B* C* D* E* F* G* H* i* J* K* L* M* N* O* P* Q* R* S* T* U* V* W* X* Y* Z* Å* Ä* ö*]

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19742074] *Martin