
VAD What Was che cosa Ce qui iNTERNETiONAL Trip 2000

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NÄR When Wann quando Quand UPPDATERAD Uptodate Aktualisiert aggiornato À jour 21.02.2025


HUR How Wie come Comment

Hi colleagues, family, friends, lovers, rockers, ravers, sinners and so on!

Now i finally took one week off going to London... i'd have written very intimate and personal messages but time really flies here. Live in an old [fashioned] hotel close to Hyde Park.

Not that much money left to call You all or even write U cards, if i'm going to see all the things that i want too and travel and move on with the intense i'd like to.

Here is something short about these days:

FiRST DAY / THiRST DAY / THURSDAY i went to work and then from Copenhagen to Brussels over The Bridge, aero planes, metros, buses, walking, cabs and finally i came to European Law Students Education Organization and Lia. Go to see her again next month and a dinner at The European Parliament! i was really tired after the trips but i took a walk around Kensington Garden, Hyde Park and saw Elton John.

SECOND DAY / FREE DAY / FRiDAY Met my second cousin's boyfriend Michael Marz outside Whitely's shopping centre where i am right now. We went around by a lot of cabs to Chelsea football club to a pool club and his music studio, did some business, met some new friends at a bar. Later i went out with Gracja and Peter to the Criterion Theatre at Piccadilly Circus to see The Reduced Shakespeare Companies' All Plays in 97 minutes. It was sometimes really good. After that i went out to some cafes and clubs like Capital, Oxygen and some Drum and bass place. Walked all through Oxford street at 6 o' clock in the morning.

YESTERDAY / SATURDAY During the day i went / wandering around with Gracja to the unknown parts of London and some nice parks and pubs. Later in the evening i was nearly trapped when i for the first time entered the underground systems, it took about two hours to get from west to south parts of London. i went to London Bridge station but i haven't really seen it yet. They had made a wonderful sushi meal for me and we had a good time. i went by black cabs which offered me to pass cat to Sweden. Then i went to one of the biggest clubs, Astoria's Atomic: which is my second cousin's boyfriends club. About thousand people i think. Three floors, a lot of good dance / disco / techno music from the 70's, 80's and 90's. I also met a nice very talkative girl; Amy, who is working for Mike. They drove me home right up to my hotel. Otherwise it's real huge here and expensive. i went on the wrong bus one day: The Tourist Line and they charged £15 almost two hundred SEK... Well, i went home cheap and safe not much ready for breakfast.

TODAY / SUNNY SUNDAY i'm trying to get up from bed after yesterday. The persons at the hotel are all polish people and very nice but not all of them speaks an English language. From my window i see a lots of planes, i counted and found out that there was one plane departure every minute... it's so huge here, i say i'm going to stay here a week or a life time. it's almost a Chesty Morgan / orchestra playing in the shopping background, it's dancing song, tragic, energy, french, intense and very good music. Now playing the last song on Chestys first CD!!! On the Third Floor there is a contrasting exhibition, a Soviet exhibit with pieces of exempli Gratia; Lenin and russian farmers working together [not with Lenin, actually].
Cinema [the movie Moulin Rouge!] Date [with one of those asian girls i danced with Saurnalia],
and after that we went to a game hall without any more games at all...

TOMORROW / ALTOGETHER i hopefully get to France / Paris and the soon famous photographer Daliborka Obradovic [Google] under The Channel and if i get back to London again in the evening, meet the newly graduated friend the landscape art architect Johanna Déak but i've got one more day spending somewhere before i go back to work at the City office of Malmo.

I think i am going to come back somewhat more experienced, relaxed, efficient and even more outgoing than before. Hope to see and hear from all of You soon again!

If You, somebody i know, who i have forgotten, who hasn't got an e–mail address or doesn't know the English language. Please let them know. Have a good time, like i have.

Kindest regards,

TREVLiG RESA Have a nice Trip Gute Fahrt buon viaggio
Bon Voyage
God reise Счастливого пути Hyvää matkaa ¡Buen viaje!

://Martin Thornquist, Travel Master

 Further ways to get internetional contacts
5. MT @ Communicator iNTERNETiONAL

Post Short.
[8 Days in July~August 2000]. Martin Thörnquist is back. On the 1:st of August 2000.
MT was eating breakfast in
ParisLunch @ Londonsome dinner @ Brussels
and went back to
work @ Malmö
And YES I did meet up in Paris for 24 hours without sleeping; with Karin Banstorp [trainbackpacking from Italy], Daliborka Obradovic [artist, photographer, student @ french art academy] and Marika Gustafsson, [cultural translater, temporary working at the very cafe bar] we all went with even other people from Scania / Malmo, parts of a well-known pop band, there we sat drinking and speaking scanian language, almost lika 'himma"]
Martin Thornquist

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19962017] *Martin Thörnquist