MTMEDiA Community presents Malmö!

WHAT: This is Your English Guide to My Segregated City of Malmö. Segregated Malmö is located from Malmö Local Buses and more. This very Page was the first steps to the top of the City Hall's internal & external Relations / Web Office before the traffic accident in the information Highway close to 'Slaughters House" in Malmö WHERE MT almost was killed. Areas of Malmö Town are segregated physically as well as psychologically. Here are some points to understand them. WHEN; Uptodate; 20.02.2025
Car accident 22:th of October 03:25 in the Year of 2000. This investigation was first done in april'97.

WHO: Martin Thörnquist has done the official Home Pages of Malmö Town when MT worked as above. He is also known as MalmöMartin on different Communities; id est LunarStorm, Hångelguiden, Playahead, Skunk and so on.

HOW: Read what all about right now! Choose between the following topics. Malmö Town: ART and CULTURE | CiNEMAS | CLUBS | iNFORMATiON Malmö | KNOWLEDGE Malmö | MAPS OF Malmö | MUSiC and THEATRE | TRANSPORTATiON; Air | Boat | Buses | Cabs | Trains

Art and Culture

Art Folder from "Gatukontoret Malmö" Konstrunda på cykel i.e. Art Tour by Bike Contact +46 [0]40–34 13 65 or Further information in Town Hall August Palms plats

Rooseum – Centre for Contemporary Art MAiL Founded in 1988 and is still going strong

Malmö Hall of Art HOME 1 MAiL HOME 2 Open? Click here!

Kulturbolaget / Culture Company HOME Enter into a Partnership with a Person at the Bargain Corner where the Hunting's on. AGES: Girls between 16 and 23. Boys between 18 and 23

Cafe Einar Production Group VAMP Culture House FLUX Sankt Gertrudsgatan 4

A ViP Poetry Group in started 1994 See flyers for details or contact Folk University at Regementsgatan 4

Art Folder from "Gatukontoret Malmö" Konstrunda på cykel i.e. Art Tour by Bike Contact +46 [0]40–34 13 65 or Further information in Town Hall August Palms plat

Did you know that Sheraton did open August. 14, '89 and closed Autumn '97

Open? Click here!

Theatrical Ensemble HOME +46 [0]40–30 53 13

Cyberspace Cafe HOME MAiL Fast Fun Famous and Fresh 20:– / 30 minutes / iNTERNET Open Daily at least 10:00–20

"hot news" Fanzine Hot House Jazz Club for Free at e.g. Malmö Public Library HOME

interchange of Roles in Art The Virtual Museum of Contemporary Art HOME© Ola Billgren, Bo Nilsson and VMCA ®

Malmö Card 175:– SEK / 3 days Malmö Tourist Office at Skeppsbron

84,2 degrees F in the water! An ambient temperature of 89,6 degrees F ! in Sweden...?! Water Palace Aq–va–kul in the middle of Regementsgatan

Wowragården Town Museum, Malmö Museum Open 25th of June – 31th of July Tuesdays – Sundays 11–16 Call +46 [0]40–34 44 23.

Malmö Town: ART and CULTURE | CiNEMAS | CLUBS | iNFORMATiON Malmö | KNOWLEDGE Malmö | MAPS OF Malmö | MUSiC and THEATRE | TRANSPORTATiON; Air | Boat | Buses | Cabs | Trains


Cinemas in Malmö

Movies in Malmö Change [Please see BioGuiden.SE] Cinemas in Malmö stay a little longer

Swedish Film industry, SF

Mrs Cinema +46 [o]40–23 80 50 inclusive Palladium, Royal [and earlier Down Town]

The BUFF in mid March Children Youth Film Festival HOME MAiL

Swedish Film institute, SFi HOME Tickets +46 [o]20–246 246

The Cinematic / CiNEMATEKET / The Mirror / SPEGELN HOME At Stortorget!

Victoria HOME MAiL Södra Förstadsgatan 18 , Malmö Arrangement; The Culture Association 'Contrast'

Sandrews Cinema Palace from 1925 was re–inaugurated 8th of december 1994 Södergatan 28 and now only a bar!

Malmö Town: ART and CULTURE | CiNEMAS | CLUBS | iNFORMATiON Malmö | KNOWLEDGE Malmö | MAPS OF Malmö | MUSiC and THEATRE | TRANSPORTATiON; Air | Boat | Buses | Cabs | Trains

MTMEDiA Community CiTY of MALMö

Clubs / Clubbing in Malmo

Over 100 Night Clubs in Malmö, from the past into the close future. Please Click here!

MTMEDiA Community CiTY of MALMö

information Malmo

Malmö Higshool

Please call +46 [0]40–34 34 34 The iNFOTEK HOME See also MT Community! Entertainment! [Only in Swedish!]

Malmö Town: ART and CULTURE | CiNEMAS | CLUBS | iNFORMATiON Malmö | KNOWLEDGE Malmö | MAPS OF Malmö | MUSiC and THEATRE | TRANSPORTATiON; Air | Boat | Buses | Cabs | Trains

MTMEDiA Community CiTY of MALMö

Knowledge Malmo

Please see

Malmö Town: ART and CULTURE | CiNEMAS | CLUBS | iNFORMATiON Malmö | KNOWLEDGE Malmö | MAPS OF Malmö | MUSiC and THEATRE | TRANSPORTATiON; Air | Boat | Buses | Cabs | Trains

MTMEDiA Community CiTY of MALMO

Maps of Malmö

There are by now 10 interesting Maps of Malmö i.e.

1] CiTY MAP Malmö from Kart–info +46 [0]40–18 75 70 2] Sydsvenskan Newspaper's HOMEMap of Malmö

3] Malmö Map from Jalab Productions, information and Advertising +46 [0]33–13 56 90

4] 400 Experiences in Malmö Reading Map in Aquarelle History, Culture, Entertainment and Recreation

5] 400 miles of Bicycle Tracks in Malmö! Road Office Bureau of Traffic Plan +46 [0]40–34 16 02

6] The Post Office inform Always near to a Pillar–box +46 [0]40–14 90 00

7] 3D Map. Available at House of Cards, KORTHUSET Triangle Plaza Open? Click here!

8] MALMö STAD City of Malmö Town

9] [HSB, FöreningsSparBanken, SkåneMejerier, SBS Radio, RBi Konsult, Malmö Aviation, Scand Net, MALMö STAD]

10] Gula Sidorna [Eniro]

Malmö Town: ART and CULTURE | CiNEMAS | CLUBS | iNFORMATiON Malmö | KNOWLEDGE Malmö | MAPS OF Malmö | MUSiC and THEATRE | TRANSPORTATiON; Air | Boat | Buses | Cabs | Trains

MTMEDiA Community CiTY of MALMö

Music and Theatre in Malmo

Kulturbolaget i.e. Culture Company HOME Enter into a Partnership with a Person at the Bargain Corner where the Hunting's on

Malmö Symphonic Orchestra HOME

Block Theatre. information through MAiL Baltzarsgatan 14, 211 36 Malmö Telephone; 040–12 11 72

More info and Links under MT Community Entertainment [Only in Swedish!]

Malmö Town: ART and CULTURE | CiNEMAS | CLUBS | iNFORMATiON Malmö | KNOWLEDGE Malmö | MAPS OF Malmö | MUSiC and THEATRE | TRANSPORTATiON; Air | Boat | Buses | Cabs | Trains

MTMEDiA Community CiTY of MALMö

Transportation inside, into, out of Malmö Air Boat Buses Cabs Trains

By Air / Flight LuftFartsVerket Sturup Air Port

By Boat TURASUND ! MALMö 'Svävarterminalen" Skeppsbron 10, 211 20 MALMÖ öVERFART: 1 TiMME 30 MiNUTER, 3 GÅNGER TiSDAGLöRDAG i VARDERA RiKTNiNGEN 2 AUGUSTi23 DECEMBER 2004 KöBENHAVN Rederiet / Nyhavns Vinhandel, Nyhavn / Havnegade.

Buses / Omnibus Skånetrafiken See Home Page HOME Call +46 [0]771–77 77 77 15:– SEK / 1 TiMME

Bokskogsbussarna [CiRKA JUNi–AUGUSTi] Avgång Sommartid från Södervärns busshållplats A och Nobeltorget / Amiralsgatan kl 10:00 respektive 10:30 Pris 10:– SEK / enkel resa

Cabs / Taxis MT MEDiA presents the complete List! Cabs / TAXi Malmö – Dial +46[0]40– TS Taxi 611 25 00 Trelleborgs Taxi 0410–172 72 [Åke / Flygtaxi] T B Taxi KB 040–21 26 86 Box 3072, 20022 MALMÖ Taxi Ulf Norman 040–15 76 90 Linnégatan 28, 21614 LiMHAMN Taxi Skåne 040–330 330 Spånehusvägen 77, 21439 MALMÖ Taxi Kurir 040–70 000 Borrgatan 17, 21124 MALMö Taxi 97 040–97 97 97 John Ericssons väg, 21761 MALMÖ Taxikurir – Taxi Nittio 18 90 00 Taxi Ett 12 54 00 – 21 55 21 Taxi Direkt 844 00 Taxibilen 210 240 Taxi 86.000 040–860 00 Norrbäcksgatan 10, 21624 MALMÖ Skåne Taxi 75 000 SAS Limousine 500 600 Royal Cab 70 000 Pufic international AB 040–97 58 52 S. Långgatan 23, 21144 MALMÖ P i Taxi 040–21 06 21 von Lingens väg 114, 21371 MALMÖ Original MiniTaxi 221 221 Nordic Cab / Hooman 040–99 99 99 Box 117, 23044 BUNKEFLOSTRAND Möllevångens Taxi AB 040–26 24 00 ingelstadsgatan 4, 21773 MALMÖ Mini Taxi 121 121 – 96 96 96 – 97 97 97 Mini Max Taxi 301 301 Miniettan 10 20 30 Mini Cab 96 96 96 – 98 98 98 – 72 500 Minibilen 23 23 23 Malmö Cab 040–15 15 15 St. Trädgårdsgatan 3 A, 21128 MALMÖ Limhamns Taxi Växel 040–15 00 00 Box 60078, 21610 LiMHAMN Limhamns Taxi 13 00 00 – 117 117 Jipo Buss och Taxi 18 76 60 Delta Cab AB 040–12 12 12 St. Kvarngatan 10, 21129 MALMÖ City Proffsen Taxi 783 00 Burlövs Trafik AB 040–43 08 00 Hantverkaregatan 16, 23234 ARLÖV Arlövs Taxi AB 040–43 00 00 Anders Kalssons ale, Box 58, 23221 ARLÖV Affärstaxi Sverige 040–22 29 00 Box 59, 20120 MALMÖ Airport Taxi 040–840 00 Box 8045, 20041 MALMÖ Print+Save in a Dry Place! Ask for Total Sum before entering Cab!

Trains iNTER CiTY, Linx, X2000 See SJ State Railways HOME Call +46 [0]20–75 75 75 Pågatågen, Öresundstågen Skånetrafiken See Home Page HOME Call +46 [0]771–77 77 77

Malmö Town: ART and CULTURE | CiNEMAS | CLUBS | iNFORMATiON Malmö | KNOWLEDGE Malmö | MAPS OF Malmö | MUSiC and THEATRE | TRANSPORTATiON; Air | Boat | Buses | Cabs | Trains

Please write MT if You find any missing Link!MAiL

MT MEDiANAViGATOR 0? &1 2* ~3 4! @5 6¤©% #7 8$ £9 10€ [19962023] *Martin Thörnquist